Thursday, 8 February 2007

Our future online.

I simply had to put together a quick blog about this outstanding video produced by the guys at Kansas State University.

It explores with absolute clarity the changing world, sometimes I suppose people’s beliefs in the web, web2.0 and the social media are overly grandee, we have to remember that there are more people not online, connected and in the ‘loop’ than are. People may consider the ones in this ‘loop’ more important than those outside, they’re the decision makers, and trend breakers, the Shepard’s of the future, but again, let’s not get too carried anyway, not for the moment. I have no time.

This video raises the point at its end though, we, the industrialised world, east and west, are going to have to change out perspectives on almost everything due to this monumental shift in connectivity and community. This I believe also applies to that of hedonism, and this is why I feel this video is most appropriate for my blog. Derived pleasure no longer only takes the form of fine material goods, showing them off at your dinner party like Dorian Grey or some such. There’s community without leaving your office, living room, bedroom, coffee shop, anywhere, and how hedonism, high-living is defined within this realm is a question that will be interesting to answer. Thoughts on a postcard ladies and gentlemen.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with this video.
Just great!

Anonymous said...

You know, I should've let you know earlier, but I sent that to my whole office. Brilliant. Really good.

Glad you liked my pohms, noboy else does, lol.

Unknown said...

Dude, that video's fuckin tech..

You're still a cunt though.


Anonymous said...

Great video, very true indeed.